




「Developmental cues as a foundation for therapies」

座 長: 森山 啓司
講演者: Klein Ophir 教授(IADR会長)
(Professor, Orofacial Sciences & Pediatrics Schools of Dentistry & Medicine, University of California, San Francisco)


「Mitochondrial medicine」

座 長: 髙橋 信博
講演者: 阿部 高明 教授


「Implant surface bioactivity and three interfaces to consider in tissue interaction」

座 長: 森山 啓司
講演者: In-Sung Yeo 教授, KADR President
(Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Seoul National University School of Dentistry)


「Explore the Radiant Future of Dental Research」

座 長: 江草 宏
(東北大学 大学院歯学研究科分子・再生歯科補綴学分野)
1) 「New Insights into the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Bone Destruction and Formation」
塚崎 雅之
(東京大学 大学院医学系研究科 骨免疫学)
2) 「Epigenetic modulation of salivary gland epithelial cell for salivary gland tissue engineering」
Dr. Sang-woo Lee
(Dept. of Oral Physiology, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University)
3) 「Design of new dental biomaterials by referring bone formation processes.」
松本 卓也
4) 「Surface Characterization of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds for Bone and Periodontal Ligament.」
Dr. Chan Ho Park
(Dept. of Dental Biomaterials, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University)


「New insights in Biology of oral diseases」

座 長: 杉浦 剛
山田 聡
SI-1 「Genome Analysis for Dentistry and Medicine in Tohoku Medical Megabank」
大槻 晃史
SI-2 「Non-Invasive Early Detection and Real-Time Monitoring of Oral Cancer」
杉浦 剛
SI-3 「Lymph node metastasis challenges and improvement of treatment effect by using lymphatic drug delivery system」
Ariunbuyan Sukhbaatar
SI-4 「Integrative epigenomic and transcriptomic analysis reveals that transcriptional factor competition at the distal enhancers of the Samd9l gene locus regulates osteoblast survival and activity in an inflammatory environment」
鈴木 茂樹


「Recent advances of skeletal development, regeneration and disease」

座 長: 齋藤 正寛
大庭 伸介
SⅡ-1 「Transcriptional control of skeletal development」
波多 賢二
SⅡ-2 「Identifying gene regulatory mechanisms underlying skeletal development in mouse and human models」
北条 宏徳
SⅡ-3 「Bone marrow endosteal stem cells coordinate active osteogenesis and tumorigenesis in young bones」
松下 弘樹
SⅡ-4 「Novel bone regeneration method using immature osteoblast-like cells and various scaffolds and its way to practical application.」
鎌野 優弥

Rising Scientist Session “Immunity in Oral Disease

座 長: 山田 聡
RS-1 「Immune response in the interaction between periodontopathic bacteria and host cells.」
大嶋 淳
(大阪大学大学院歯学研究科 歯科保存学講座)
RS-2 「An emerging mechanism in diabetes-related periodontitis: the pathogenic role of insulin resistance in periodontal tissue」
新城 尊徳
(九州大学大学院歯学研究院口腔機能修復学講座 歯周病学分野)
RS-3 「MAIT Cells Exacerbate Alveolar Bone Loss in Periodontitis Associated with LAD1」
梶川 哲宏


11/25日(土)  「Unveiling the Secrets of Periodontal Ligament: Insights and Innovations」
講演者:  Satoru Yamada
(Department of Periodontology Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry)

11/26日(日)  「Bone Apatite-Mimetic Graft Material: From the bench to the clinic」
講演者:  Al-wahabi Akram
(GC Corporation (Dental Information Center))

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